Saturday, January 23, 2010


I had a CT Scan on Monday; it was inconclusive. My lymph-nodes have shrunk 50% and the oncologist was saying that 75% is the magic number. So, this next Monday I will go in for a PET scan. I will drink a radioactive isotope with glucose and it will react with show any cancer cells that may be present. We will then meet with the oncologist on Wed to see those results.

The doctor is quite optimistic; but I'm asking for any extra prayers anybody wants to throw my way. Winston heads back to Boston tomorrow so he and Spencer will give me a blessing before he leaves.

Otherwise; I've been back to work for three weeks so far and my strength is improving immensely each day. I even shaved this week and could see a real 5-o'clock shadow! Allison gave me a haircut today because what is growing back is kinda sporadic so it needed evening out.

We went to the pulmonologist last week and he said that my lungs are looking really good. There is really only one clot in my lungs that is very visible so my injections of blood thinning medication are doing the job. Allison is a great nurse and gentle with the twice-daily injections; I just make sure I don't make her mad just before it's time for my shot!!!

I still have oxygen at night and if I see my level go down during the day, but it's diong much better. Again, my strength is increasing each day. I've been walking around campus a bit more and don't get winded as much. So, hopefully, the scans will be positive on Monday and I'll just continue to improve from there. I also go to church each Sunday now since early January and we've been to the temple twice as well. I have even been to Ikea (for Swedish meatballs); though the kids insist I use the wheelchairs they have there, so they can take turns pushing me around. I guess it's their way of returning the favor for the years in strollers!

Thanks for your prayers and concern!

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