Thursday, November 26, 2009


What would Thanksgiving be if you didn't thank everyone who is so kind and gracious. I'm not going to try and name everyone; because I know I'll miss someone.

I've received many kind and supportive phone calls from so many loving neighbors and friends. Some have had cancer and truly understand that aspect of what I'm going through; the thoughts, feelings, struggles, etc. They remind me of the fact that I'm not alone in this struggle; that many and most people survive, especially the cancer that I have.

I have even my home teaching families call me to see how I'm doing; that's a nice twist. I think I've had more contact with them than any others, and more so than I have when I've been "well." My home teachers have called to check on me and fluff me up and to just let me know that they are thinking of me and concerned.

My wife has passed on greetings from people at church and their expresssions of genuine concern for me and all of us.

So, to all of you who have offered prayers, words of kindness and concern, and even a fleeting thought concerning my well-being: thank you, thank you, thank you! May the Lord bless you all in your righteous endeavors, always.

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